A Conversation with Catherine Lhamon, Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights 


  1. U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, “Safeguarding Students’ Rights:  Promoting Educational Excellence-Report to the President and Secretary of Education-FY 21” (July 2022).

  2. U.S. Dep.’t of Educ. Office for Civil Rights, Title IX and Athletic Opportunities in Colleges and Universities (Feb. 2023).

  3. U.S. Dep.’t of Educ. Office for Civil Rights, Resolution Agreement with Troy University (Jan. 26, 2023).

  4. U.S. Dep.’t of Educ. Office for Civil Rights, Protecting Students from Discrimination Based on Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristics (Jan. 2023).

  5. U.S. Dep.’t of Educ. Office for Civil Rights, Fact Sheet: Diversity and Inclusion Activities Under Title VI (Jan. 2023).

  6. U.S. Dep.’t of Educ. Office for Civil Rights, Dear Colleague Letter on Transgender Students (May 13, 2016) (rescinded Feb. 22, 2017).

  7. U.S. Dep.’t of Educ. Office for Civil Rights, Case Processing Manual (CPM) (Updated July 18, 2022).