Pregnancy Discrimination Updates

Speaker Biographies

Bindu JayneBindu Jayne currently serves as the Title IX Coordinator at Swarthmore College, where she is charged with coordinating the College’s centralized review, investigation, and resolution of reports of sexual assault and harassment and gender-based inequity. For over a decade, Bindu has worked in the equity and diversity space in higher education at such institutions as the University of Delaware, Appalachian State University, and Rowan University. In those positions, she oversaw offices responsible for responding to allegations of harassment and discrimination, providing educational opportunities about a variety of social justice initiatives, and creating inclusive campuses for students, faculty, and staff. Prior to her work in higher education, she began her legal career as an associate in the Philadelphia office of Morgan Lewis. Bindu received a B.A. from Cornell University, magna cum laude, and a J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania Law School.


Melissa CarletonMelissa Carleton is an attorney, consultant, and investigator for college and universities across the country.  She works with senior staff, student affairs, academic affairs, and human resources to anticipate problems when possible and solve problems when they arise.  She is frequently called to work on cases involving civil rights, especially under Title IX and Section 504. She also handles shared governance and accreditation disputes.