
Sunday, June 23

WELCOME • 1:00 P.M. – 1:15 P.M.

Welcome & Opening Remarks — Leanne Shank, Senior Vice President for Legal and Corporate Affairs and General Counsel, Law School Admission Council; Chair, NACUA Board of Directors

2018-2019 State of the Association — Kathleen Curry Santora, President and Chief Executive Officer, NACUA

Overview of the Annual Conference Program — Jerry Blakemore, General Counsel, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Chair-Elect, NACUA Board of Directors; and Chair, 2018-2019 Committee on Program for the Annual Conference


OPENING PLENARY • 1:15 P.M. – 2:30 P.M.

Supreme Court Update with Dean Erwin Chemerinsky

NACUA is pleased to again welcome one of the nation’s leading experts on the Supreme Court, Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, to deliver his unique overview and analysis of the current Supreme Court term and his predictions for the following term. Dean Chemerinsky will highlight cases with the potential to affect higher education and make insightful observations about the Court and the impact of recent events on its work.  This not-to-be-missed opening plenary will provide the ideal launchpad as we gather for the 59th Annual Conference to consider developments and emerging trends throughout higher education law.

 Tim Lynch Timothy G. Lynch, Vice President and General Counsel, University of Michigan 
Erwin Chermerinsky
Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean and Jesse H. Choper Distinguished Professor of Law
University of California Berkeley School of Law


Monday, June 24

FEATURED SESSION • 11:15 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.

Student Mental Health: Understanding and Responding to the Challenge

The impact of mental health challenges on campus is increasingly on the minds of the higher education community, including NACUA’s members.  Our focus on student mental health concerns is significant and the challenges also affect all parts of the campus community, including staff and faculty.  These high-stakes issues can and must include a range of institutional support mechanisms and resources.  Moreover, we find ourselves in a time of changing legal expectations concerning institutional responsibilities and campus mental health.  What are the implications of the current state of the law and expectations from a multitude of stakeholders regarding how institutions will plan for and respond to mental health-related challenges on campus?

In this plenary session, you will hear from an expert on student mental health and counseling center trends and data.  With this context, he will then be joined by a student affairs vice president and a general counsel to discuss the current legal landscape as well as key legal and practical considerations in effectively anticipating, managing, and responding to student mental health issues on campus. 

 Melissa Holloway Melissa Holloway, Moderator, Deputy General Counsel, Ball State University 
 Robin Holmes-Sullivan Robin Holmes-Sullivan, Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students, Lewis and Clark College 
 David Reetz David Reetz, Director, Counseling and Psychological Services, Rochester Institute of Technology 
 Madelyn Wessel Madelyn Wessel, University Counsel and Secretary of the Corporation, Cornell University